Harmonic Technology Pro 11+:any opinions?

I know it is a good cable for bass and midrange.Any owners feedback would be appreciated.
I use the Pro 9s between a Krell 400cx and Thiel Cs6s and after trying several cables, this was the best solution. Very open and dynamic with super detail.
i tried the satoris....and found them a little on the bland side....nice mid but nothing special at the frequncy extremes.

best regards,


I agree with most of the posts here. The pro9 is a bit on the warm/romantic side of neutral. It has the equivalent effect of upgrading to either an preamp or amp. I had a chance to audition the Audioquest type4 but the pro9 is much more musical and life-like.
I've owned this cable since 2001.......,And i just love it 2 death. For the money "YOU WILL NOT GO WRONG"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. But only trust in yours ears.
I used the Pro11's for 8 years and they were fantastic in my ARC/Thiel system. It wasn't until I heard the Harmonic Tech Magic Reference Woofer cables that I had to make a switch. When it comes to bang for your buck, you can't beat Harmonic Tech Pro-11 cables. There's a wide reviewer consensus on that count. They're detailed without being harsh and beat many cables that cost twice as much.