Stereovox cables, anyone?

I am really curious about these cables both the SEI-600 ic and LSP-600 speaker cables. I haven't heard from many users other than their HDXD digital cable which is supposedly a great value, small wonder coming from the designer of Kimber's Illuminati D-60 which I still use and found a great value.

Both the above cables are quite pricey but Todd Warnke did a great review of both and found them to be so uniquely special in that they allow the music to come through without seemingly imparting a signature of their own. I am only aware of a few folks that are familiar with these cables and they all put them right up there with the special products found in our hobby.

Can anyone out there comment and offer their impressions compared to similiarly priced cables in a familiar system? Please list others you have compared to and if possible a description of the differences. Thanks all participants in advance.

I remember seeing a set of the speaker cables for sale here on Audiogon a month or so ago. Maybe you can search and locate the fellow who had them for sale.

The set offered was, well still is mine. I was offered $3,000-$3500 for my 3.0 M Vox speaker cables which I would not take. I am glad I didn't. I kept it and am using it. I use 2 pair of Vox RCAs as well, Pre-->amp and DAC-->Pre.

Comparisons... Ok. I used Cardas Golden Ref XLR for some time previously. Went from XLR to RCA for the Vox RCAs. I went from Golden Cross speaker cables to Vox. I used Classe equipment then. The Vox (RCA or speaker) I found impressively better in every way. Much cleaner sounding, much blacker background, more detailed, richer in a more musically accurate way entirely and at all frequencies. This applied to both the RCAs and speaker cables. More of Vox was clearly and significantly better at any point with any equipment I've used. Very rare in hifi to find a product like this, I agree. Matching with equipment changes has never been an issue. For my current Goldmund (modern and vintage mixed) it is less pronounced an improvement than classe omega level equipment. Still, very noticeable.

I've used modern Goldmund RCA cables and still do for my tuner and TV sound. The Goldmund RCAs are maybe 1/4 to 1/3 the improvement I found going from Cardas GR to Vox. It's difficult to judge this overall as my equipment is now very different. For speaker cables, modern Goldmund speaker cables are much closer to the Vox in direct comparison on my current equipment.

I heard Nordost Valhallas once years ago. Limited listening. Different room and different equipment but versus a cardas GR the difference was subtle to me. Vox has never been a subtle improvement to me.