Speltz Anti Cables

I am looking for reasonaably priced cables to place between my Classe 10 and North Creek Music Borealis. Right now I am using lower end Kimber cables. I have read some of the comments and statements about the Anit-Calbes and am interested in hearing any input you might have. The price sure is attractive. Up to this point I figures I would go with Kimber 8TC.

Thanks for this excellent posting,please let us know what you find in any further experimentation...

I use my Anti-Cable not running closely together currently..


Richard-Did you tie the cables tighly together so they touch or loosely?
In between ties you have them closely spaced?
Have you tried this configuration elevated yet and off the floor?
Your post is one of the most informative so far.
Thank you.Im still waiting to install mine.

David, The cables are now closely tied, and up on cable risers. I used four tie wraps, tightly cinched, evenly spaced down the eight foot length of the cable - the conductors are so stiff, only a few are needed to keep the cables bundled. I just got home, and will do some more listening tonight to the recent configuration. In the tangential thread, there was a lot of discussion of geometry, and spacing with regard to rising inductance. I simply decided to put into practice what many had suggested, and as I stated in my earlier post, I like some things about the change, and dislike others. What I seek is to balance the properties of both configurations, and that means (I think) realigning the geometry, so that the conductors don't quite touch, but are in close proximity to each other, and have approximately equal spacing down each cable. How I am going to put that into practice will have me walking the aisles of Home Despot searching for a spacing solution. As I thought about this today, my parameters are equal spacing, most likely a circular configuration (think of each conductor wrapped around a round core of something, but evenly spaced), minimal contact with the conductors (the simplicity of the wire is in its basic dielectric and freedom from plastics, sheaths, covers, etc) and low cost. Good listening, -Richard
Ever see knob and tube electric wiring? Too bad this set up would be so unsightly!
This is how I have the cables spaced about 1.5" and raised above the carpet about 5". They are the myrtlewood bases with electric insulators I used as supports for the previous cables with a dowel to adapt them to hold these separate wires. It's a start.