BAT + VR 4 JR = ?

OK. I am way too aware fo the subjectivity associated with Audio gear. really.... I am simply looking to get pointed into a certain direction. Sort of add to my options as it were....

I got a BAT VK5i, and BAT VK 500 W/BP. . .and very soon, likely a pair of VSA VR 4JR.... and am now looking for speaker wire info that may best suit that match... OR the question would deem to be, "Does it matter most about the amp, or speaker, which way onoe goes in getting that hook up?

I reckon there are enough JR OWNERS taht can clue me in a bit here...

oh, and price is, as always, an issue... currently value may well be the item best addressed.... oh, and the length, if it matters is oginhg to be about 12 feet or so...
Following some trials with home made and off the spool with special connectors afixed... I tried some "ready rolled" speaker wires from Synergistic... Not really trying to but the length I needed and the brand just became coincidental. so a 15 ft. run of biwired Alpha quad x active were bought.

Results? Not bad. better than the homemade versionns i had on hand previously.

Some few months later a set of Syn research Sig 10's became 'available' and with enough length to do the job. Seeing this as an inadvertant and unexpected opportunity, I was able to make a deal for them as well.

Without much question they surpassed the AQ's. though given the ridiculous span of distance for jumpering the VSA VR4 JRs in biwire config (one needs shotgun the VR4 JRs, or special order speaker wires for them, unlike 98% of the rest of speakers made).

"Can't the binding posts on the bass unit be fitted higher Albert?"

I still am using the AQs for the bass module... and using the Sig 10's with connectors to config the biwired Signature 10s as a 'single' speaker cable on the top module.

This shotgun approach works well. well enough. Smooth, resolving. Extended. great lateral and vertical space, with now, very good depth of stage as well. My notion for upgrading here is to trickle down the Sig 10 to the lower module... or replace both entirely. though the Signature tens are a fine cable working well with some other units I have too and may simply wind up in another system I have altogether.

I tried to type in brale, but think I misspelled too many words!

I used to own the 4jr speakers and now own the BAT 5i preamp and two BAT VK-60 power amps in mono (have been looking for more lately).

I liked the Analysis Plus Silver speaker cables with the VR 4 JRs and the double/biwire run works well with this speaker as the speaker cable is only attached at the amp end (ie. there are two individual cables from that point on) which works well with the separation of the 4jr posts.

I like silver speaker cables with these speakers, additionally with the BAT equipment I think this will be reinforced. When I ran the 4jrs. I ran solid state and the silver cable was still excellent. With the tubes, I would say it would be even better!

At about $600 (used)for a pair it may be considered a bit pricey by some, so considering an alternative silver cable at a lower price may also be a solution. I have only listened to AP in the silver cabling.
Cardas and Purist are garbage. Anti-Calbes are the way to go. They have a money back guarantee. At least audtion them.



No sense in mincing words, HUH? Cardas & Purist cables are likely just for the tone deaf then, huh?

It's always nice to see someone who isn't cloistered or inundated with tact or good manners.

I’m sure Cardas & Purist cables would cringe at such a revelation. Probably just throw out everything they’ve done thus far and seek guidance from Mr. Speltz immediately. Likely place full page spreads on the leading newspapers across the country and not only apologize for creating such refuse, and with such a contrite perspective providing the impetus, recall all their efforts forthwith.

Any other items you think we should immediately discard or avoid in the future, given your remarkable insight? I’m wondering with all the press given to all three of the cable makers you mention, there’s not been a head to head comparison published.

Actually and perhaps a better plan might well be to cut the costs of anti cables and simply use Romex… at least it’s more attractive. It’s minimally shielded as well and for less than the cost of contact cleaner/enhancer one could simply replace the wires altogether periodically. Then therre’s that handy ground wire too you could secure to the items so the cabling has little chance of being separated and thus lose signal, in anything short of an earthquake.

Very classy indeed, Stringreen.
Jim I always had good luck with Rat Shack or Home Depot wire. I wouldn't spend my hard earned sheckles on expensive stuff ;) :)