Moreytalmor, this is a perfect example of why it's important to give as much detailed and concise information as possible when asking for opinions on this forum. First of all, remember that these are just opinions (ours) and it's yours that count to the most. However, without all the facts we are forced to read between the lines. For example: THE ONLY comment in your post re the kind of sound you like was the reference to the Mc preamp as being "warm". OK, I figured, the guy wants a warmer sound. Reinforcing that assumption was what I know about the sound of the Thiels; they are not what I would call warm. Now we learn that not only do you think they sound great, but you like the way they look and seem to be reluctant to give them up. That's great, and nothing wrong with liking the way gear looks. OK, if they sound great then that tells me that the amp/speaker synergy is probably not too bad for your listening habits and tastes (notice I am still reading between the lines).
So, what areas exactly are you feeling the sound of your system is deficient on? What are you looking for? More fullness (warmth), more detail, bigger soundstage, more volume? Or are you looking for simply an overall, general improvement in sound from "great" to really great. Also, does your budget of $1300 include the proceeds from the sale of whatever it is you end up selling? What cartridge do you have on your tt?
So, what areas exactly are you feeling the sound of your system is deficient on? What are you looking for? More fullness (warmth), more detail, bigger soundstage, more volume? Or are you looking for simply an overall, general improvement in sound from "great" to really great. Also, does your budget of $1300 include the proceeds from the sale of whatever it is you end up selling? What cartridge do you have on your tt?