Which cable to change first-intercon. or speaker?

My system consists of an Audio Aero Capitole MkII CDP directly feeding (balanced) an Audio Research VT100 MkII, that drives my Von Schweikert Audio, VR4 GenIII SE's.

I want to upgrade the cables in my system, but I don't know which cable to upgrade first, the speaker cable or the interconnect.

So, which cable should I replace first, the interconnect or the speaker cable (and why), or should I plan upgrading both together?

I just went through selecting speaker cables which is the last cabling I have addressed in my system. I was so impressed with the improvements, and this is with all 4 sets that I auditioned, that it left me wondering the same thing. "Should I have changed the speaker cables first so I could hear the differences in the ICs?" Seems it could go both ways. That is, if you're IC's aren't up to it then you don't really hear what the speaker cables can do, or if you're speaker cables aren't up to it then you don't really hear what the IC's can do.

With all of the choices in quality cabling these days I'm not sure that it really matters. You may not end up with the exact same combinations by starting from the sources as you would by starting from the speakers. But if you are auditioning each with your system I still think you will choose the best synergy anyway.
Excuse me Mt10425, but your comment about me was way off base. If you take note of my system, you will see it is very well balanced with a highly resolving front end. The fact that you associate me with a crowd where the focus is all at the tail end of the system simply shows that you know nothing about me and your ignorance about the system I have assembled.

I fully understand the argument, but it really comes down to garbage anywhere/garbage out. And how about common sense in/common sense out? The key is to find a balance throughout the system.

Focusing the upgrade strategy as always from the front end to the back is too simplistic. Recognizing the weakest link at any given time and resolving this will result in a far more balanced and musical setup. I think the post here by Dan_ed reflects much the same thoughts here.

Throwing lots of money anywhere, whether at the front end or down the path guarantees nothing. I have put a lot of effort to try many products in my home and have compared with other local audiophiles in their systems. What I often would have expected the outcome to be was not at all the case.

Some links clearly are easier to get "right" as there are many great products out there to choose from that bring on a high level of musicality. Others such as line stages and ICs to be used between the line stage and amp are quite a different case; I have only found a handful that retain the musicality I seek. And I am more willing to spend a great deal of money for these than I would for example a turntable, CDP or speaker because these latter products are among a group where there are many models whose musicality is obtainable at high value; you don't need to pay a fortune for these as they are already very impressive.

It wasn't meant as a derogatory comment Jafox. Simply that members perceive the importance of system connections differently. I'm always embarrassed when I unintentionally step on important toes.
If possible, you should find a local dealer that would be kind enough to loan you a set of ICs and Speaker cables to find out for yourself? Keep the same price range so you could have a fair comparision. Have fun.
Nick T
I'd say dump the weakest cable no matter where it currently resides. I've experienced noticeable differences when swapping out cables in all locations.

Also it depends on what change you were hoping for. That could help you decide which is the first cable to go. It also helps you choose which cable to replace it with.

The prerequisite to all this is that you should read the forums as intently as Burgess Meredith did in his Henry Bemis/Time Enough At Last Twilight Zone episode. Research so you'll have an idea of what to expect before and after.

Bottom line. I've broken all the rules and continue to do so, and despite that still have had success.