indra users/fans---

what are the best , most effective placements of these i/cs, and where do you find addtional benefits after the first pair is installed?

what other cables have you paired with the indras for good results?
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Stanhifi, I do agree the Stealth cable do offer good performance. However, it doesn't mean that it is the best combo when used togather in both from source to preamp and preamp to amp. It is funny how few of the Indra owner are expremely protective in their investiment and thinking that nothing else is better just because they do not own.
I have encounter some cables sound just as good as any Stealth for under $50 to make.
I own the Indra, NBS black label (expensive, top of the line), and recently tried the Harmonic technology cyberlights. IMS, the NBS was not even close to the other two. I prefer the Indras over the cyberlights from preamp to amp, the other way around from source to preamp.

SAP J2001 (horn hybrids) biamped with 45 tube monoblocks and EMMlab CDSD/DCC2 as digital source.
rgwrjs: so u are using cyberlights btwn the CDSD and DCC2? Not the optical propietary cable provided by Meiter to slave clocks? Or do you mean btwn the DCC2 to sep pre-amp?
rgwrjs, your rigs doesn't require high out cables.
thiner cables will genereally sound better for high efficiency system. The indra will sound more refine in this case. However, for the low efficiency system, it will tend to sound dry and thin and lack of punch. In this case, it is not about refinement only. The current passing through would be more demanding since the input of amp is less sensitive here.