indra users/fans---

what are the best , most effective placements of these i/cs, and where do you find addtional benefits after the first pair is installed?

what other cables have you paired with the indras for good results?
Ag insider logo xs@2xozy
I am sorry I was not clear. I use the cyberlight between the DCC2 and my preamp. I use the optical cabling between the CDSD and the DCC2.
Thanks...interesting u use a separate preamp: what is it? Do u not like DCC2 as a preamp? I am considering an pwr amp upgrade (I use the DCC2 as a preamp as well)as well a possible cable upgrade (well at least all the excitement about both cyberlights and indra entices me to investigate).
Although I think the DCC2 is an excellent preamp, I do not get the air, staging or dynamics of my tube preamp (Audionote M-10.) I used the DCC2 as a preamp for about six months while I was waiting for an upgrade to my preamp and I enjoyed it very much. But IMS it does not compare to the M-10. BTW I like the Elrod power cords with my sources.
Yeah, I kind of expected as much, Rgwrjs....though I do think the sep pre amp would have to be exceptional to better the DCC2, I do not there are "out there" Another project for another day as I think my pwr amp upgrade is biger priority at this pt...thanks.