DAC help For my tube rig

Looking for some guidance/validation...
Need to add a new DAC to my Shindo Massetto/Montrachet into Devore O/96.
Current list of contenders are:
Auralic Vega (want to add the new Aries streamer too)
Ayre QB-9 DsD
Lampizator G4/L4
PS Audio Directstream

Any thoughts or experience would be much appreciated.
I use a shindo Aurieges, First Watt Sit2, And had Lampizator L4G4 for months, and just replaced it with a big7. Very happy with The Lampizator products and service.
That's a very nice system you've put together, must sound really good.
Jond - Yes, Devore's arrived last week. Just waiting for the wife to go on a biz trip so I can set everything up and pretend like it's all been there for years... You'll need to come by for a listen.