CD Tweeks...Improve Ripped SQ?

Hi All,

I'm seriously considering coming over to the geek side of music playback. :-}

All of my shinny polycarbonate and aluminum platters have had CD treatment done to them.

The process I use is:
1) Optrix Cleaner
2) Audio Desk CD Lathe with black edge marker
3) Nespa Pro 30sec treatment
4) Acoustic Revive RD-3 Demagnetize

So the big question is...

Does a treated ripped CD sound better than an untreated ripped CD?

Anyone A/B a standard CD to a treated CD after ripped to a hard drive?

IS it coincidence that as soon as BS is mentioned, Geoffkait pops up?

Here we go...

I asked this question purely out of curiosity. My intent wasn't to start any kind of useless arguments or childish questions.

I had gotten into a discussion with a compu-phile who was adamant about the difference. I thought that bits were bits and bit perfect would be perfect? Since I currently don't subscribe to geek audio I thought to ask the question.

Of all the tweeks mentioned #'s 2&3 made the most improvement to sound quality on standard commercial CD's, DVD's and Bluray discs. #'s 1&4 not so much.

I have been wanting to come over to the disc-less side for some time, but to date haven't heard a computer system that rivals my transport.

audioengn and Mapman thanks for the replies.
audioengn I think I will try your suggestion.

Any others do a comparison?
demagnetizing , aluminium impurities, labeling color and blabla is BS!
08-08-13: Alfe

Did you forget to supply the scientific proof that it is all BS?

Question is, have you even tried the devices to see if they made any difference? I bet not.

How about aftermarket power cords and Ics? Snake oil BS? I mean if there was a difference in sound from the use of aftermarket PCs and ICs the equipment manufacturer would supply the magic PCs and ICs with their equipment right?

Do you believe PCs and ICs make a difference?
If yes, how do you really know sure? Don't say from listening. Provide scientific proof by an independent testing laboratory.

I'm disc manufacturer and I'm holding several patent in the disc industry
molding process today is very accurate we talk micron and nanometre,in replication line we have scanners checking every disc,eccentricity is checked on the stamper during the punching and after with very accurate tester.
08-08-13: Alfe

Patents? What does that prove?

John Bedini has a patent on his Clarifier as well as Furutech/Acoustic Rivine.

So what's in a patent?

How about some actual test measurement?
Bits are never just bits alone. A bit is an abstract concept with a binary state. Bits do not really exist at all in the physical world (point one out to me somewhere). The binary state has to be physically represented somehow, electronically, optically, however to be used. COmputers (and CD storage media) are designed to transmit binary data accurately, else they would not work at all. To get audio/sound, the binary data stream gets converted to an analog signal. The D/A process (which requires very accurate and precise timing to be done properly) is where pretty much all of the variability comes into play regarding resulting sound quality.