I actually had a freebie pair of Magnetwire speaker cable a gentlement name Jim Hess used to sell on this forum that had been sitting in a closet for over a year. I had replaced them with Acoustic Zen wiring (first Satori, then Holograms, then Satori again and finally Hologram II) and never looked back. Then shortly after purchsing my abbys something just didn't do it for me. At the suggestion of Terry I decided to root through my closet and broke out the magnet wire. I'll be damned if it didn't best the AZ cables in most every avenue in my system! Dynamics were much better, sound was no longer soft and flabby, soundstage stayd about the same but imaging really improved and overall I greatly prefered the new tonality. This was about 5 months ago now, and I'm still using the Magnetwire with no desire to change--this says a lot about me as I'm a very 'fidgity' hobbyist.
For the price they're worth a try and if I'm not mistaken Speltz offers a money back trial. Give it a shot, worst case scenario you've learned something from the expereince and are out ~$5 for the shipping.
For the price they're worth a try and if I'm not mistaken Speltz offers a money back trial. Give it a shot, worst case scenario you've learned something from the expereince and are out ~$5 for the shipping.