Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
I just received my GG Revelation ICs a couple of days ago and they are still burning in. I do agree with most comments here (and John's for the most part) as to the sonic quality of the GG cables based on my experience with the Extreme. I can also respect John's opinion. I have not heard the Jade Hybrid, but have heard the Vermeil (I'm probably one of the few who returned them).

I think the Jade Vermeil is a great cable and I believe John describes the sonic qualities accurately. However, in my system and based on my tastes the Vermeil did not beat out the Oritek X-2, and in fact in comparison lacked that little extra sparkle on the top end. When I got the Extremes and they were properly burned in they beat out the X-2.

I did notice a slightly wider and taller soundstage with the Extreme cables. However, my room size and dimensions have always caused soundstage issues. So could the soundstage be much wider and taller as some report? Possibly, I'll never know until I move and have a more appropriate listening room. I do know that the GG cables agree with my tastes and I'm anxiously awaiting the burn in of the Revelations so that I can better evaluate how they sound in my system. So far initial impressions are favorable.
Hi Bob,

Yes, I appreciate that all opinions are to be respected. I also have the utmost respect for all of Steve's cables, they really do sound fantastic compared to all of the very expensive cables I've heard prior.

For your questions, I heard the Eichmann edition of the Extreme interconnect. I also had Steve custom make me a 1 meter length of his Revelation speaker cable. Yes, he did recommend that I go at least 6 feet in length, as did many other cable manufacturers.

I compared the 1 meter length of the GG Revelation to my current reference, a 3 ft run of PAD Dominus (yes, I have monoblock amps). I really enjoy the tonality of the GG cables, they really are amongst the best I've ever heard.
However, the soundstage was very truncated, especially height wise with the Revelation speaker cables. It was the first time that I've ever felt as though I was ever 'listening down onto a performance'.
Shockingly, the soundstage was beneath me.

Yes, this could be a result of a shorter length (1 meter). Steve did say that he had'nt heard a 1 meter length before. I also want to re-iterate that it did sound very, very good...tonally.

I will know for sure in a couple months, after I've received a 4 foot pair of the Jade Audio Vermeil speaker cables. I have experimented with the Vermeil and the Hybrid interconnects, as well as the Vermeil speaker cables. I've also become very fond of the Stealth Dream power cords.

IMO, IMS, these combo (Jade and Stealth) have combined for the most incredible, natural, realistic sound I have heard in my system in my 30 years of listening.

John :)
Jmcgrogan2 - I have not heard the GG cables, and hope to one of these days, but I have much experience with the Jade Hybrid, Stealth Indra and Dominus ICs. You are spot on about the Jade Hybrid doing depth like no IC before. It is not that the others are lacking here but that the Hybrid takes this to a whole new level. This alone makes the Jade IC the keeper. And once we hear this, it is really tough to go back to the others no matter what strengths the other cables might have. I find that the IC into the amp is where this difference really comes to play. The GG Revelation remains that last IC that I want to hear to find out for myself.
I have the Gabriel Gold Revelations so I may be a bit partial(as many others here are who own them) as they are certainly the best IC that I have ever heard.I find them to have incredible depth and layering with instuments and voices presented in accurate fashion.
Along with great bass and staging.

My point is
Let us not be mistaken between DEPTH and RECESSED.

Recessed,meaning that it does go back deep but does not have the capability to differentiate.

Or as Mr. Webster believes " a withdrawing from usual activity" ("a recessed cable sure makes me withdraw from the activity of listening to tunes and usually promotes the activity of watching TV)

Regarding depth
"distance from front to back"
The GG'S have depth, solidity,tonallity and with natural musical flavors coming out of a beautiful quiet black background .(wow that made me hungry)

I've listened to some cables and I won't mention names that I thought had great depth upon initial listening.
After just a short period of time it's like "where's the music ? "
"Please reach me baby" / "It sounds good in the room behind the wall I bet"

I have not heard the Jade cable but hear they are a very good with nice sparkle and slam.However,I have heard from a member that has listened to both cables and believes that the Jade is more recessed and that the Gabriel Gold were much truer to the music and just let's things flow naturally.

I have owned other cables that are VERY! recessed and I feel like I have to put my chair in front of the speakers
to get a sense of a live performance.

I don't like sitting in the last row at a show or the first row for that matter.I want the perfect seat!

I want to be able to have a sense of how the performance was recorded live or studio mix and have everything hit my ears as it should be.

Man,I know I am asking for a lot,however,I think I am right there with the GG Revelations
Just my opinion
Not to get into semantics here, but I am curious if recessed sound could come from room factors just as easily as it could come from a cable.