What does 'Fast mean?

This might sound ignorant but can someone describe to me what is meant when cables or equipment for that matter is said to be 'fast'?
Do you mean that it's faster than the speed of sound? My light bulbs can do speed of light you know.

I don't want to attack anybody...Just showing you an example ...cool.

Hi -fi ,still obeys natural laws...Yet audiophiles LOL
Fast is nonsense. Any properly designed cable or equipment has more than enuf speed to reproduce music & other recorded sounds. Same applies to PRAT.
Seandtaylor99, I don't want to come across as an objectivist here, because I'm anything but. However, if audio gear overemphasizes attack, I wouldn't call that "fast" , I'd call that distortion. Truly fast gear will track complex waveforms precisely, neither lagging behind rising edges or overshooting trailing edges. Anything else is distortion, and while it might sound exciting, as you note it wears thin pretty fast.

So, while I agree with you about those edges (it's like oversharpening in Photoshop for those familiar with digital photo editing) it's not fast in the sense that I think our original poster was inquiring about. That kind of fast you just shouldn't notice once you've gotten over the initial "Holy cow that's good!" reaction. After that, it's just the recorded signal.
Isn't that why some amps weigh a great deal, it slows them down, not very fast at all. Or you hear a track on your favorite CD, it is so fast, your not sure you heard it. Personally I think the speed of an amp is dictated by the ability of the amps power supply to recover or recharge itself after louder transients. I'm I right?
Porziob ... it's pretty easy to design a speaker cable with enough inductance to roll off higher frequencies. Too much capacitance and a wide bandwidth amp might start to oscillate.

Similarly it's pretty easy to design an interconnect with enough capacitance (usually the shielding) to cause rolloff where the source has a marginally high output impedance and the amplifier a marginally low input impedance. Not enough shielding and RFI becomes a problem.

The ability of an amplifier to control the speaker to deliver dynamic transients with little ringing or overhang is certainly not something all amps share ... hence the difference in sound.

It's not quite so simple as you imply.