Suggestions for bang for your buck speaker cables

I don't think my speltz anticables are getting the job done connected to my Definitive Technology speakers. The 14" powered subs of these speakers are not moving as much air as I know they are capable of and the highs are somewhat rolled off. One problem I have is that I don't want to spend thousands on speaker cables for my long runs of 18ft. If I go with the usual cable suspects (Wireworld, Cardas, JPS) in long runs it will cost a lot of money. That's the reason I've gone with less expensive wire like Tara Labs Omni, Analysis Plus OVal 9's, Signalcable and now the anticables. (I may even try Signalcables again). Can any of you recommend a good copper cable that's a bang for your bucker. I've read good things about these lesser expensive brands: MAS, LAT, and Reality Cables; some have said home depot wire. Needing 18ft. runs I'm looking for cables that deliver solid low end, (help fill in a lean speaker) but don't roll off the highs and offer palpable midrange but won't cost near $1k or more. Any suggestions from your experience? Thanks
I am currently using HOME DEPOT cables. The minimum is to try them out. Just pick out the cables an twist them together about 2 twists per inch and then sit down and demo them. You can break them in by using them in a electrical curcuit first if you prefer, for instance using them with a lightbulb or some sort of resistor. I have used the #6, #10 and #16 gauge depending on run length and multiple twists. For instance on the #16 I used 4 wires braided much like a hair braid. It was fun but also inexpensive to try, and it worked for me. I only have 20 watts a channel though.
I could be completely wrong as I've only seen pictures of the Spelz cables, but one of the concerns I had when considering them was they appear to be bare wire with little if any insulation on them. In my real world setup with wires running everywhere, next to each and behind the TV, my concern was one of the spelz cables picking up lots of interference. Could this be an issue? FWIW I use Kimber 8TC and am very satisfied and it won't break the bank.
Try the Star quad Canare cable in 14 AWG. Already twisted pair and acceptable looking (.65/ft). Pretty decent all around cable for the $.

If your handy, try the Jon Risch CC89259 cable recipe. It will cost close to 100$ for an 8ft pair with techflex and good terminators. But it really kicks butt. I'm about to unload my Transparent ultra XL biwires for a double run of this stuff. (plinius SA 250 MK IV into Martin Logan Requests).
If you are not into building your own cabels, Element Cable pretty much utlizes the Jon Risch recipe on their twisted pair speaker cable. 18 foot run would be somewhere in the $275 - $350 range.

The HD cable is something you can get and make for next to nothing (I did it), but I wouldn't seriously consider using it as my standard cable for my system. Maybe as a hold over cable until I got better or different cables, etc.

The HD has alot of grain and grit to it. With the prices of DH, Signal, Kimber, Alpha Core, etc. being pretty low and being much better than HD stuff, these are where the "bang for the buck" really is.
