Products for raising cables off the floor.

What are the best products for raising cables off the floor? This would include speaker cables, interconnects, and power cables. Also, what kind of distance should I keep between the power cords and the interconnects? I have wall to wall carpeting. The run from my preamp to my mono amps is about six feet each. The run from the amps to the speakers is about four feet each. The run for the power line to the amps is about five feet each. Any information would be helpful. Thank you, Kevin
unless you are protecting your cables for dust bunnies, not much is going to change. well designed cables generally have jackets that really insulate . i've never seen wire raised off the floor at any of the bigger recording studios in the u.s. for their playback.
DIY cable risers. Go to Home Depot and get some 1.5 inch PVC couplers in the plumbing department. They are about 2.5" off the floor. Just set your cables on the rough side so they do not slip (the side with the lettering).

Best DIY, $$ saving tip I have found on A'gon.

$0.61 each for as many as you need! Low tech may be best.

8 inch plastic chopsicks with nice graphics on them. Colored rubber bands to make arches that grip the cables lightly. Makes a great very inexpensive solution.
I've been using shot glasses upside down...not drinking too many shots these days anyhow...if you need to, you can use blue tack to secure them--I just have mine balanced on the top...