Dampening inside power cord connectors?

I recently had to replace the male connector on an older Electraglide power cord because the ground pin had broken off. I found an exact replacement from Home Depot.The last thing I considered was sending the cord back to the manufacturer, but after reading about other Electraglide cords never being returned, or sold to someone else, I decided to do it myself. Inside the original factory plug, there was a lot of this yellow clay-like material throughout. It kind of looks like Blu Tack, but yellow, fairly plyable, but not too tacky. I imagined that this yellow stuff is a special dampening material that the maker used to eliminate certain resonances. My question is: Does anyone know what this material is( I took all the yellow stuff out of the bad connector and put it all in the new connector)and why it is used? Has any other DIY audiophile tried this stuff in any of their power cord connectors and found it to improve the cord's sound? Just curious and thanks for your input.
It's a kind of liquid rubber (or silicone) that sets up shortly after mixing (sort of like the stuff your dentist makes teeth impressions with.) I think it's actually available at places like HD or Ace. Also, GE silicone caulking will also do nicely.

I don't know about it's value as damping for such short little pieces of wire, but it would certainly reduce strain and thus help keep connections tight and also keep contamanents away from them.
Hi Sherod,

There is a product called "Fun Tack" which is similar to Blue Tack but is yellow. That may be what was used inside of your cable.

Best Regards,

If it is indeed Fun Tack, would this material be a good material for providing a dampening effect for the connector. Any electrician techs who can say that adding a dampening material inside a power cord's connectors will make the cord sound better?