DIY cables Vs Mass market cables.

Just wondering how DIY cables compare to audio brand speaker cables such as straightwire, audioquest, etc. Considering the amount of money some speakerwire cost that have been recommended. I am considering doing my own from fine silver wire and some tubing? Any ideas recommendation.
"Accordingly, different wire "recipes" can sound slightly different. But you CAN diy cables & obtain satisfactory results..."

- Gregm

Greg, Thanks for the information. When you say satisfactory, does that mean they will better JPS labs or Analysis Plus cables? There are a lot of heavy claims written on this thread by people that have been silent since I put them to the test.
Robm: I can almost guarantee you two things:

1) DIY cables will not sound as good to you as the ones you have now.

2) We could secretly swap DIYs for your current cables, and you'd never know the difference.

And, no, those two statements are not contradictory.
Pabelson, your cynicism shows, but I agree with you.
My DIY Canada Wire 12ga Red Heater wire, non terminated, sound the same as the 16ga lamp cord that I previously used.
Bob P.
pableson, you have hit it right on the head. I have tried them all. Good DIY is as good as anything 1-2 I have tried. Plain and simple and will blind test them up against anything.
Bob P. plug in an Analysis Plus Oval IC and you will get better sound than your lamp cord or DIY wire I imagine. This thread is turning into - it's better/it's not better and I don't think I have more faith in DIY or less. So, nice thread, but the question will still remain. It's been fun though.