Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?
I have not heard the new anniversary cables, but I have heard all of the other better cables that Purist makes. I only have one pair of Opis ICs in my current system, but even as expensive as Purist cables are, they are worth the money. People like Mapleleafs3 are always shooting off their mouths, but never have anything to offer the discussion. I hope it's cold up there.
"I just had a pair of the Purist Annivesary (Aqueous?) IC's in my sytem and didn't like them very well"

Chris, I am very interested in this. Between which components did you use the Aqueous? Are your comments in direct comparison to the Venustas in the same location?

I had a pair of one meter IC's between my CD player and Preamp. Other IC's I compared them to where: Purist Venustas, Audioquest Sky, and Cardas golden cross. I prety much liked the cables in this order too........... I am still sold on the Venustas. I think they outperformed the others hands down. Like I always say though....... This was in my room, in my sytem, with my music. So YMMV...

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"I mention this only because it might be contrary to conventional wisdom to use the more colored IC from CDP to preamp,....."

If a cable is colored, I can not see how any conclusion can be made that a specific link should be the place for such a cable. The only way to know if it may work anywhere in the system is to try it throughout and hope that "sonic nirvana" ultimately locks in with the current system implementation. Any subsequent change in the system could quickly uncover problems with this colored cable that then results in it needing to be replaced.

"since most listeners consider the Aqueous to be the more detailed and accurate of the two ......"

Well count me out on this one. I just borrowed the Aqueous Anniv (AA) XLR ICs and speaker cables and compared to Opis spkr cable, Venustas and Dominus ICs. From phono or DAC to line stage, I did prefer the AA in the context of my system but not because of its neutrality.

I would characterize the Venustas as subtractive in the ultimate portrayal of dynamics and ambience/bloom. But it is a very tonally coherent cable in my system no matter where I have tried it. If you like a little bit of a mellow presentation, the Venustas is a perfect choice.

The AA was VIVID with much ambience and bloom in the upper frequency range that was beyond the Dominus. It was clear to me that the AA was by far the most colored Purist cable with its prominent hump in the mids. I liked the AA the most from sources to line stage, but I am more aware now than ever before, if I change any component in my system and the mids get out of control, the first thing to do is try another IC in place of the AA and determine if tonal coherency returns. The AA XLR reminded me of the Cardas Golden Cross XLR except the Cardas does not have the treble extension of the AA.

With the AA XLR in place from sources to line stage, I then switched from the Opis spkr cable to the AA. Immediately the tonal coherency was way out of balance. The AA spkr cable made the mids too fat and fatiguing. I like a little shift into the warm zone but this was even way too much for me. A return to the Opis spkr cable and not only was there coherency again, but the very top was more detailed as well.

From all this, I came to like the AA sound but it was far too much of a good thing when used as an IC AND a speaker cable. Perhaps a solid state based system would benefit from a system fully loaded with AA's.

I did try one last experiment with the Venustas IC and AA speaker cable. This has a similar presentation to the AA IC and Opis speaker cable, but the AA IC/Opis spkr combination was more natural with no fatigue. I simply could not get rid of all the fatigue when I had the AA speaker cable no matter what else I tried in the system. All PCs and remaining ICs are currently Dominus.

From all this, the cable that impresses me like no other so far is the Opis speaker cable. Nice nice nice. This is a long-term keeper as it is an unbeatable value.

If you want drop-dead neutrality, you need to go to the Kubala-Sosna cables. If you like the added weight, bottom octave coverage, dynamics, textures, etc., of the Purist as I do, it takes a lot of work to mix and match to get the magic to lock in....and it can be very rewarding....but it can also be very frustrating and exhausting. There simply is no such thing as the Venustas or Opis or AA being labeled the best. You have to try all of these in each link and determine for yourself what results you like.
