Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?
Could it be the Cable Company's cables are not broken in as stated? That's where mine came from too.......... They are the ones Guido and I heard to be closed in on top........ I kinda thought someone had stuffed a giant sock down the throat of my speakers.

Cmo, did you check to see if Guido left barefooted after that cable audition?
He was growing a beard............. And starting to develop a nervous arm flapping movement????
Jafox, the Aqueous is very powerful and is mysteriously related to the CLC, but in reverse, in that it acts on the listener rather than on the equipment. . . and turns our worst audio nightmares into psychosomatic reality. [chuckles!]

Seriously, with the several cuts I listened at CMO's with the Aqueous, the consensus at the ttime seemed to be that the effect was uninvolving, hooded -- as in not extended -- and sweet but slightly thin. I did not hear at the time an excess at the top, but we were concentrating mostly on some tracks from Edgar Meyer playing Bach on the double bass, which does not have exactly a piercing treble to start with. It is entirely possible that on other material I did not listen to, the treble overpressure may have showed up.
I would welcome Albert Porter's comments on the subject of the Aqueous, as we all seem to have such a diverging experience with this wire. I am seriously wondering if some of the wires were shipped with some manufacturing defects.
While speaking with Purist last week, Jim told me the break in process for Aqueous Anniversary was a lengthy ordeal and the Purist break in disc (CD) has almost no effect on accelerating the process.

I don't know if this is a recent turn of events or something that he has been aware of all along. If the Purist disc was used to "burn in" at Cable Company, then shipping could have almost offset the gains.

The good news? Any type of music (including the break in disc) is fine, there just seems to be no way to shorten the "waiting period."

The Aqueous Anniversary I had on my CD player took several weeks before it stopped changing (running 24-7) and the Aqueous Anniversary power cords are still breaking in. Hate to say, but this might be a 175 to 250 hour break in cable.

J. Fox probably has more experience with the new Aqueous line than I do. I loaned him a lot of cables and we have been shipping back and forth. I recently switched to the Purist Anniversary (new top of the line), and preoccupied with getting it settled and discovering it's full capability.

I have had my limited supply of Aqueous loaned out nearly 100% of the time, so I've had little time to evaluate it for myself. There is a good deal of wiggle room between Venustas, Opis and Aqueous Anniversary. All are excellent and all different.

Which is most correct is in the ears of the beholder and perhaps none of these will be right for some members. There is a lot of differences between systems and what each of us prefer.