Appearance of Totem Forest

I need some help with a serious WAF problem. We purchased some new Forests recently in cherry. The wood on each speaker (especially the sides) is quite mismatched. Vince at Totem says they match the fronts and that's it. I'm concerned it could affect resale value. Any comments?
Thanks for the responses. What ended up happening is that my wife and I drove up to Montreal and met Vince at Totem. He took us into the warehouse and showed us what he considered the best cabinets they had at the time. They looked great, we got them a week later and they sound better than the previous pair as well. So a happy ending there at least.
Wow, you can't beat that for customer service. It's nice to see a manufacturer going to that extent to assure a customer's satisfaction.
Yes it is....although I still had to drive from NYC to Montreal.....actually it was a great trip, never been there before......
does have any recommendations as to what amps/preamps to use with the forest? i know at the show vince and crew had the plinius gear with them. the speakers sounded very good with punch and good sound stage. im concearned if i go this route, i could become fatigued listening to them after an extended period of time. I listen to acoustic jazz and vocals, r&b, classical and old new wave. what are your thoughts?

I listened to the Forest for about 1.5 hours last year at a local dealer. They were being driven by the BAT VK-55, with excellent results. I believe the preamp was one of the BAT tube models, but I don't remember which one. They sounded fantastic, and did not seem to need any more least for the volume I listen at. I ended up buying a different brand, but I could have been very happy with a pair of Totems. I would think that any quality tube preamp/amp combo in the 40-50+ watt output range would sound quite nice. Of course, more power never hurts... ;)