Suggestions for fully shielded power cord...

I need a fully shielded power cord for my Hagerman Trumpet phonostage. Budget is up to $500 new or used for about a 6ft. cord. What's out there for me to consider. Thanks
Nsgarch - Thanks for the clarification. Pure Note and Volex fall into #1 as they are UL compliant according to their literature. VH Audio uses foil and braid as in #2 from what I could gather. I am not sure about Silver Audio as they use soem type of mu metal jacket and 4 shielding networks in their cable. I did call Purist Audio and understand they use Ferox in a similar approach to Star Technology. I actually have an opportunity to get a Purist Audio Musaeus for a pretty good price. Would this work?
Audphile1, I always establish my short list (cables to audition) based on design and construction. Then I listen. I'd be happy to provide you with info about your choices, but have never had occasion to research those particular cables, so I don't have it.

Clio09, as you know, I'm a card-carrying Purist fan. Purist has never let me down. A perfect example occurred today: All my (significant) cabling is either Purist Venustas or Dominus. But I still have some oldie/goodies (MIT, Straightwire) in less critical places like FM tuner, cassette deck etc. Musaeus is the entry level Ferox shielded cable, and I decided to replace the oldie/goodies with it as the opportunity arose. Today I received a 1m Musaeus RCA bought from a member. I swapped out the old MIT 330 from my modded Technics tuner which I only listened to casually for NPR and background classical. I'd decided the recent mods and alignment didn't accomplish that much. Well boy was I wrong! Real "audiophile" sound came out, I was quite amazed, mainly because I wasn't expecting anything spectacular. You know, there was a time (ca. 1990) when MIT 330 was the best IC you could buy! Anyway, you're interested in a PC. According to the Purist specs, the Musaeus PC is 14 AWG which should be perfect for your Hagerman. It is foil shielded though, not Ferox like the Musaeus ICs.
If it is still available I'll give the Purist Audio a whirl. Otherwise I may lean toward the Silver Audio Powerburst 2. I've been wanting to try Purist Audio cables for a while (actually my Joule Electra LA-100 MkIII is wired with it) and as you said Nsgarch I did know you were very high on them.
Just wanted to provide an update. The Purist Audio Museaus arrived. I purchased it from the Cable Company and thought it was used, but it is actually new in original packaging. Solid cable and very well constructed. It is also flexible so it can be maneuvered easily. I plugged it in to the phonostage yesterday and it sounds great right from the start. I imagine it will only get better as it continues to burn-in. I may have to try their ICs next.
Clio, I am trying this very same power cord on my cd player right now. My first impressions are that this cord is pretty neutral sounding, although I haven't run an "A/B" against my Audience PowerChord yet.