Difference Virtual Dynamics Nite 2 and Master

What are the differences between Nite 2 and Master ?
I can't address the Nite2 or Master speaker cables, but I have a bi-wire pair of Revelations that now have about 800 hours on them and they are further opening up in clarity, soundstaging and musicality. Unlike ANYTHING I have ever heard, anywhere, at any price. (Obviously cables are system dependent, but in mine, these cables are startlingly great at this point, up from merely excellent several hundred hours ago).

You are talking about revelation signature digital cable, i don't see anything on their website.
What are the differences ?
Robertje,the Vd cable that you speak of is the top of the line cable that is signed by the man himself Rick Shultz.The Signature is a step above the Revelation and offers superb (the best natural dynamics and resolution ) musical results that may be the best cable in existance. This cable is 6 gauge and is substantial in size (it weighs 11.5lbs for the balanced xlr digital}it offers dynamics that are so fundementally right.I have never heard such bass out of my MFA D75 amp,it is so defined that it actually fleshs room boundries.The bass not only eminates from it's created position in the soundstage, but, also helps define the room inwhich it is played.The treble is so extended that it becomes sweet sounding allowing one to hear how a symbol is being struck.The tones off strings are so sweet and full bodied that you hear all of the wood of the instrument as it played. One thing that does set it apart from my revelation cable is how dynamic the cable can be without sounding etched or forced in even the slightest way.Music plays with such authority and three dimesional space that one does truly feel totally enveloped by the venue.Choral such as Proprius's Cantae Domino offer a vast cathederal venue with huge images that exceed my room boundries in width and depth.Breath taking singing as well as powerful organ playing that rumbles through the room defining the height of the organ and the church.I can only imagine this cable once it breaks in (600 hours)since I am only at 350 hours and it is stunning in it's very refined and musical way.Please e-mail me if you have any specific questions.Take care Dennis
I have switched from standard Revelation to the Signature and agree with all of Cenline's comments. It killed the standard (>600 hours) in the first hour of play....and the standard Revelation is no slouch.
I have a Nite II and a Master power cord. Which configuration would produce the best result?

a) Nite II on the line conditioner/ Master on the power amp?
b) Master on the line conditioner/ Nite II on the power amp?