PAD Venustas

Hi, I never had the chance to listen to it.
anyone out there who uses it - or made comparisons - and can give a small description of it?
Is is smooth sounding?
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For a short time I had the Aqueous along with HT Magic woofer/tweeter Speaker cables on trial from the cable Company.
However, during that time the HT cables with there large spades, shorted my Amp out and I had to cut the audtion short.
I do remember that they were not quite up to what I was used to. (Ridgestreet Audio). But now I wonder if I gave them really a fair audtion.
I have read that the Veustus sort of dulls the frequency extrems, accenting the midrange compared to the Aqueous.
But, other posts say the Venustus improves the bass region.
Thanks for all the answers. Well, seems, the whole spectrum is offered. Hm, what I really want to have is clarity. Seems, I have to look for a different brand. Will check out Paul Speltz' Anti IC.
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The Speltz speaker cables are all about clarity in my experience. But I have not heard anything from Purist.