PAD Venustas

Hi, I never had the chance to listen to it.
anyone out there who uses it - or made comparisons - and can give a small description of it?
Is is smooth sounding?
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I agree that the newest cable is probably getting the attention.
But,I have been trying really hard to audition a Veustus bi-wire set of speaker cables.
No dealer so far has them to audition, and has no plans to obtain them.
Well, most wrote, that the Venustas is far better than the Anniversary Aqueous.
Now are a few here, who think, that the Aqueous can give more information ???
Sorry, but that sounds strange. How comes?
The perception of more information in the AA spkr cables to me resulted in listener fatigue. With the AA IC, it was not fatigue but rather the added presence and greater amplitude in the midrange and trebles over the Venustas. This brought the presentation more out into the room. With the Venustas IC, the sound was more relaxed and thus gzve a presentation as if sitting farther back. With the ICs, it is not an issue of what is "better" but rather what is preferable to that person AND in that specific link of THAT system. This is why you absolutely need to try both of these yourself at each IC link in your system. I would not be surprised if you ended up with one of each as is the case for me. And it sure helps to have a Dominus IC to compare as it gives you an idea of the next level of refinements across the board.
Jafox: that is the one thing I found a bit lacking with the Venustas: because of the very polite and laid back character, there is less of "involvement" into the music. The sound is very refined though. Maybe it has also something to do with PRaT. What is your opinion?
