Sunny Cables "Wow"

Browsing through Stereo Times and saw these.
We'll probably be hearing more about these in the near future.

Now, don't be mad if ya can't afford-em, just a read folks.

Website is still under constuction, so not everything is up and running.

Click on reviews in the left column.

My grandmother used to repeat an old saying (maybe one of Ben Franklin's?): a fool and his money are soon parted...
Like I said, it's just a read, I'm not telling anyone to go rush out and buy them.
Yeah, I was browsing, they are insanely $$$$
They may be fabulous but I'll never know as I could never pay the price of admission. But then again the extremely well heeled may find them to their liking. They just don't make my cost benefit ratio:<). BTW: When was the last time you saw cables priced individually? Multiply all prices by 2. Ouch!