Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.


You thrill-seeker, you! Nothin' like stirin' up some good controversy and watchin' the chunks fly. Get in there!

Anybody needing some technical info on cable testing by a non-cable manufacturer, take a peek at Pass Labs web site, and locate the "articles" page (under "products"). Amongst several good topics, is one about speaker cable interaction.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with, nor a personal friend of anyone who works there. Although, I do own several of his products.

Okay, continue with the carnage!
It seems to reason if silver conducts an electrical signal better, the end result will be better sound. How about driving your car down a bumpy road versus a smooth highway at 60 mph, which would be the better ride? Unless you're churning butter for Lkdog.
Timrhu, actually the point is, is that some of us PREFER the bumpy road. :)

My 99 M3 has an aftermarket performance suspension that makes the ride in my car...well, bumpier. I prefer a firm ride to a soft pillow-like ride. I drive fast, and like the feel of a planted car with snappy turn-in. Sure, as with silver vs. copper, there are trade-offs for each, as there is in choosing to live with a car like mine. Those LA potholes suck.

Silver cabling may actually pass a "truer" signal, but I've picked my components and combined them in a way to create an illusion I like. I'm not too concerned with accurately reproducing the live concert I just attended or what the artist intended to portray. The absolute sound is not a single standard for the masses, it has to do with our own personal taste which becomes our own goal.

In some cases I've preferred silver over copper, and in others the opposite.

Kate Beckingsale.

Eva Longoria.

Naomi Watts.

Halle Berry.

Which would you choose? Each of us could make a case for which one is better, but all that matters is which one we prefer.

Audio equipment, cars, food, a favorite color. BETTER can mean different things to different people.
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