Silver vs Copper cables

I've been reading the forums and noticed a few comments that silver made ic's and speaker cables sound better with solid state equipment. Would this mean copper cables sound better with tubes? Why is this? Thanks.
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Grant, it also depends on which Halle Berry and Kate Beckingsale movies we're talking about, heheh.
Thanks for your input guys. I guess I screwed up though. I own a Levinson 380 preamp and a Levinson 431 amp driving my Sophias. I bought silver made Nordost Frey ic's and speaker cables. The sound is somewhat bright but I thought it was my cdp. I am going to audition some Cardas GR cables which are made of copper. Are there any other cables someone can recommend I try? Thanks.
Cardas GR should help smooth things out. You may also try some Jena Labs Symphony interconnects. Yes, I wouldn't recommend silver with that equipment, not w/o shades anyway.

Good luck,
Dean- If I had Halle Berry cables I'd just spend all my time checking connections. Snug fit? Check. Recheck.

Oh yeah- I like copper cables better.