how can a line cord affect frequency response ?

i have personally auditioned over 10 different manufacturer's line cords. i hear differences. i don;'t understand how a line cord can affect treble response or bass response.

can someone provide an explanation ?
Dpak996: Triggering on both, but not at the same time! For the line cord waveforms, I'll trigger on the line. For waveforms on the filter, I'll have to trigger on the ripple, as the music signal will, or at least should, be very small in comparison. But, I can trigger on that just to see what might come up.

I am hoping to have time to check this out tomorrow night, as I should have some lab time available.

Tvad: I wasn't asking for proprietary secrets. I was asking for some data indicating their cables improvement. For example, you bought a power amplifier for your stereo, certainly you asked it was tube, solid state, what power it has, signal to noise ratio, current capacity, perhaps you even talked to the manufacturer about their philosophy in design. All of this provides good data and information, yet is not proprietary.
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Tvad notes:
Data is data(...)Whether the specs in the data correlate to improvement in sound is open to subjective interpretation.
I'd agree in principle with what follows -- BUT data and their correlation would be "objective". You probably mean that,
first, we formulate a theory of what data indicate audible differences and,
then we set about to confirm that theory (i.e. "objectivise" the subjective)...

Very commonplace info can be *indicative* of sound -- for example, yr VAC uses a linear amplification device (tube) whereas the Technics uses a switching amplification device... and the circuits are different of course as are the equivalent circuits of the system as a whole with one or the other component; also the design objectives (the engineering compromises made, if you will) in one case & the other are different.

For example, I (and probably others) would *expect* better sonic performance fm the VAC -- and poorer value for money

Just to repeat the obvious about "data"/"specs": it often depends on what one measures (and measures for).