Vapor audio!
Rest of the Agon community is sitting still jaded? Or they just not interested input?!
Just saying, there are a Truck load of choices out there, FYI some with the right mind(s), names at this level is irrelevant, but VAPOUR?!, things went down for this company a month ago, now this?.
Any small time manufacturer heading this direction (all well come) need to have research and developent straight, and put forth. Just having the best components in a flashy box will be less less attractive, at least to a enlightneded few. There has to be door stoppers for small scale manufacturers, otherwise a lot of people will be dissatisfied.
Ok now waiting for 5 people to commit hara-kiri in the name of Vapour!!
Vapor audio!
Rest of the Agon community is sitting still jaded? Or they just not interested input?!
Just saying, there are a Truck load of choices out there, FYI some with the right mind(s), names at this level is irrelevant, but VAPOUR?!, things went down for this company a month ago, now this?.
Any small time manufacturer heading this direction (all well come) need to have research and developent straight, and put forth. Just having the best components in a flashy box will be less less attractive, at least to a enlightneded few. There has to be door stoppers for small scale manufacturers, otherwise a lot of people will be dissatisfied.
Ok now waiting for 5 people to commit hara-kiri in the name of Vapour!!