Component Video cable recommendation

hi all,

have purchased a hitachi 42" plasma tv and now wanting to go to component video.

was considering these brands :

Monster M Silver Video™ M1000cv
Zucable Megular
VooDoo Silverstream
VooDoo Reference
Bettercables Silver Serpent Reference
Nordost Silver Screen

have been told that nordost makes the best video cables. would appreciate to hear your recommendation on the above or even there is another brand to consider.

thks to all in advance.
Thanks Freemand; I appreciate your input. You know I forgot: I do own the Silver Serpent. I forgot about this because I run this cable to my projector--but never use it.
Long ago it was all I used.--I now do TWC instead of D*. TWC box has hdmi-out--My older D* boxes were component only.
Since I went HD-dvd and latter BD / and the fact that component doesn't allow 1080 with these newer players. (Using component forces down rezing to 720 and PQ suffers.)
My Mitz. is the model w/ the 9in guns. I bought the extended warranty so till the lcd's get better blacks, I'll be keeping this set.---From what I read at avsforum--this is the best of the old rptv's,for HD viewing.
Also, I'm one of those whom only use the projector for dvd's;I never use it for "just-tv"; either.--Heck I never use Surround Sound for "just the tv". I do however love to get the best picture for the "tv". Maybe I have strange viewing habits but I save the best for "movies-on-dvd".
I would require around 4mts. and that would be more costly.
I do use SR cables/ics and cords and own the Quattro box.
I would interpret your findings to be what I might expect: more money, more quality and that is a good thing.
Also, I use the Adept Response for both tv and projector, and that is a nice step for video quality.
Funny, I put the directors ref on my dvd. I use a high def sat reciever to get hd tv programming and did not think for a second of putting the directors ref on that. The better cables will get the sat receiver for tv now and the harmonic will come out.

For the high end sound I am getting many would think I need a serious video monitor to match. I have a first gen high def. I would disagree and think very early hd technology is quite good yet. It needs to be a good monitor from the first generation, but I have done a lot of mods and tweeks to my tv and am running a modded arcam 27a which is there best ever dvd player (the only one that ever used the silicon optix chip) and rated and does component better then their newer unit. So the arcam with the synergistic directors x2 on a first gen big screen monitor has a very true video to it. Super black, great whites and accurate flesh tones and shading. It looks real and natural. It will lack in the detail area compared to a dlp with blue ray, but thats one area I can live with.

I have tried so hard to fight the "I need new technology to have a relevant and top end system". Theres been a couple times several years ago I almost caved in and was going to buy something new. I am glad I did not cause I would want another new one with all the much newer technology today. Its a hamster on a wheel for some people.

When a person spends $3000 for a tv you expect to get more then 6 to 8 years out of it. I will live with this for several more years yet or untill the big screen breaks down.

Let me know if you ever want to get rid of the quattro for active shielding. I have a flood of power modules and think its time for something to hook them all up to.
Hey;Freemand-- I was given the oppotunity to trade in my 'ole double module box for the quattro for 300 ducats and I jumped.--(Straight from Elliot)
Boy I got fooled yesterday--- I hadn't done 2ch in about 7/10 days.--You know new toys get the higher priority-- anyways, I turned on the 2ch stuff---(I had also changed a power cord to my pre)--The music was so flat and I was thinking maybe being idle ;things had to warm up/or 'sumtin'
I listen for an hr. or so and just figgured I better get off my duff 'n have a look-see.--I had borrowed the cord fron the quattro--DUH?? Once powered up the magic came back. Maybe sometimes it's good to hear these cables w/o; to really appreciate what this box do.--it do magic.
I also have the Arcam 27 but not the A version.
When I was using my Toshiba XA1;HD player, the Arcam was much better for SD discs.--Now I have the Pioneer Elite '95 and it betters the Arcam for SD.--{new better deinterlacing chip}--DVD players have come a long way.
Wish I could have gotten my tv for 3k. SD is so close to the HD channels it is scary. IMO; thanks to their SA 8300 hd/ dvr--and I only use component--w/ a 4in one out switcher. When I first got this switcher I tested straight to the tv and with;-- No dif, I could detect.
BTW, with this '95-- blueray looks fantastic on component.--Unlike BD from my Samsung 1200,player.---YES, I love drinking from those bottles attached to my cage--