Like the great majority of manufacturers in this niche market, if you talk directly to VD they will make an effort to get their products into your system. Rick is extremely generous with his time and his knowledge; and, in my case, offered me a great deal. Right now I have three of his Master PCs, a pair of balanced Revelation ICs, and a set of Revelation speaker cables in my system. Expensive? Certainly for me. But the price we arrived at (yes, "arrived at" - though I haven't committed to all of the cabling) is commensurate with the quality and capability of the product...IMO (and I'm the one writing the check).
To respond to Ozzy's original query regarding the Rev speaker cables upper frequency abilities: simply outstanding. And in response to Rocc1007's notation above regarding Nirvana S-X: I've loved my S-X (okay, I could have worded that different) since I inserted it into my system five years ago.* I'm still not sure I'll let my Nirvana go but I can tell you that the Rev ICs have replaced them in my main system. The sound spectrum has expanded, as has the soundstage. Now, keep in mind that I only have about 75-100 hours on these cables at this writing so if there is a dramatic downturn in performance I will be noting that on Agon. If the moderators let me...
(*Steve Creamer at Nirvana is another of this industry's really good guys and his products are also -especially at price point - among the best!)