some simple questions about cables.

Hi from Italy. could you please anwer me:
1. when i see witten "interconnects", does it mean both cable between cdp-pre and cable between amp-speaker?
2.if so, can the same interconnect cable model be used both between cdp-pre and between pre-amp? Or are there different kinds of interconnects for different usage?
Thank you
I would like to add that there is a synergy between manufactures cables. No disrespect but I have found that mixing brands can effect the sound / resolution of a system. I started with Kimber cables which were great (copper). I introduced Siltech interconnects which was silver /gold. My system suffered and I couldn't figure out why, I had spent good money for what I thought wowuld be a upgrade. Spoke to the local dealer and he impressed upon me the fact that I was using different metals which created a smearing effect. When I replaced all the Kimber with Siltech I regained the clearity and warmth that I was accustomed to. So be careful whether it is interconnects or speaker cables which are different don't mix metallurgy. I try to stay with the same manufacture for all my cables, including digital which is a different kind of interconnect but not mention by any of the responders. Happy listening
Oregon, You definitely got it right. Succinct without a lot of flowery nonsense. Were you Italian in a past life?
First of all: thanks to those who answer.
I've got the point as for the difference between "interconnects" and "speaker" cables.
I 've some other questions:
a) is the so called "unbalanced" connection the most common and used one?
b) unbalanced connection means through XLR plugs?
c) what does "single ended" mean?
d) if i go in the "shop" for used interconnects cables, what specifications of the seller should i check to make sure they fit my system (Audio Research CLassic30+LS2,Rogers LS3/5??
Thank you
a) Yes
b) No - XLRs are used for balanced cables, RCAs for unbalanced cables which are also called single-ended
c) Single-ended means unbalanced and will be terminated with RCAs
d) Let's wait till someone that knows these products well can answer you. I suspect you can use either balanced or unbalanced between the ARCs, and either of spade, banana, pins or bare wire for termination of the speaker cable.