Mellencamp vs. Seger vs. Springsteen

When I was growing up these were some of the most prolific singer/songwriters. I'm curious what Audiogon members view as their favorite. Look forward to your comments!
Since someone brought up Bruce Cockburn, I'll mention here that I had the great pleasure of seeing him a couple of years back in a hall that seats maybe 1,500. I've liked him since way back, but hadn't before seen him live. His voice, lemme tell ya, was as strong as ever. Maybe stronger. He rocked the house and thrilled the crowd. If you get the chance, definitely do check him out.
-- Howard
I'll second (or third) the props to Bruce Cockburn and throw another troubador to the table. . .Steve Forbert. Known for a single hit, "Romeo's Tune" from '78, he has continued to record and tour to this day. Saw him at a solo performance recently and was impressed by since it was just him, harmonica, and acoustic guitar. If you like somgs that tell the story of ordinary lives check him out.
Neil Young is by far the most prolific Singer/Songwriter. He's still putting out great stuff (latest - "Psychedelic Pill" is great).

Another is Van Morrison - still going strong.

And another is Mark Knopfler - still going strong as well . . .
Bdgregory-Not claiming Mellencamp-Seger-Springsteen are the best all time songwriters. During the late 70's-late 80's these 3 produced some of there best and most popular works. IMO it's a close call which artist was the best during this period. During this time Neil Young was at a low point in his song writing and popularity(record sales). It wasn't until 2000(Silver and Gold)that Neil approached his best work. Van Morrison has not released a great studio recording since Avalon Sunset(89).
Man, I'd love to see Cockburn but he rarely tours in my area (Dallas). I've decided I'm just going to have to fly somewhere and see him in concert while he and I are still able to sing/play well and listen well respectively.