I'll assume that you weren't being sarcastic with your question and give you an answer.
It depends on the specific power cable, but even small changes in length can be heard. Again, it varies depending on cable design, but generally the shorter the power cable gets, the more 'forward' the sound, along with some perceived movement in the soundstage. With some PC's, this difference can be pretty drastic, most likely because of their fairly high inductance (compared to the 'average' PC). Heavy-gauge PC's with lower inductance tend to minimize the change in sound with length.
I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the positively reviewed, well-known power cords I've tried sound best in lengths between 5-8 feet (in my opinion). I'm sure most successful PC manufacturers consider the sonic effects of length when designing their power cords.
Frankly, I'm always quite surprised at the jeering that takes place every time someone brings up the subject of power cord length. If one believes that PC's make a difference, why is it so hard to believe that their length affects a difference as well?