Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Last week I started experimenting with the MIGS. I put a set underneath my DAC prototype which had just been sitting on my Esoteric clock. I really wasn't expecting much, if any difference. I was wrong - On ambient, they were awful.

In the "pinpoint" configuration, they got a lot better, now slightly exceeding the performance of the DAC directly on top of the clock. My system is back to life, plus a bit better imaging. The clock is sitting directly on my Esoteric Transport, which in turn is sitting upon 3 Cerapucs. I will probably do some more experimentation putting MIGs under the clock, but only after I figure out what to do with the preamp below.

Yesterday, I put a another set under my VAC preamp, also in the pin-point position. These are replacing FI Cerapucs that were under the preamp. So far, the MIGs seem a bit brighter, with a bit better bass and also a bit better imaging, but I will have to give these several more days of comparison to determine which I prefer under the preamp.

I will also be getting a set of Speaker-cells to demo in a few weeks. I'm being very careful to add things slowly, in order to clearly identify which addition/replacement is responsible for the subtle (or not so subtle) changes to my system.

Just my $.02. Hope this helps.
Fplanner, the MIGs are curious-they break in. Also positioning has a big impact on their sound. I have no experience using them between components, however.

You are quite right about going slowly. I changed speakers, a preamp, and added the SR Universal Cells at the same time. I love my new sound but am having trouble understanding what is mainly important.
Has anyone put miggs on a carpetted floor and what were the results? My Powercell 10SE is on the floor with thin carpet and debating a set of miggs under it. Thx

regards Bacardi
I think this is another question you should ask directly to SR. I wouldn't think it would work.
I am looking to find Acrylic shelving for my equipment. I have a full S.R Tesla system with a Powercell 10SE and was suggested to me to get Acrylic for a shelf material as it will have the best results with the S.R active sheilding technology. I am also looking to purchase several sets of miggs to capitalize on the component tuning process which will be optimal with acrylic. I live in Canada so hopefully a close dealer would be preferred. Help anyone..Thx all...

Regards Bacardi