Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?

>> 01-13-07: Paul_music
>> Have tried both Cardas and Virtual Dynamics with my
>> system now. The Virtual Dynamics are much more
>> impressive, staggering by comparison! I am getting
>> Virtual Dynamics and MORE of them!!
atta boy! that was my impression of them as well! :-)
Hi, I have used both the cardas golden reference and the revelation version one. While the cardas is an excellent cable, the virtual dynamics revelation one is much, much better.
My conclusion is that nobody should spend money on a power cord until they have listened to Virtual Dynamics power cords! period Period PERIOD
Which VD's do you recommend for which type of components? I may try my whole system with them if they're PC's are that good....
I have all krell evolution gear and Dynaudio C4's...just one of many systems over the years. Many components come and go, some are refined and some are standard bearers..Transparent cable and power cords are unique in that musicians use their ears when designing them. Nothing else brings out the music in the best systems.