Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?

I received the rest of the full complement of VD master cables and cords. There is the sense of balance and symbiosis in my system that I never heard before. The focus is on the music instead of the components and the weak link. The sound is better throughout the whole spectrum with great dynamics and soundstage.
Hi John,

I'm sorry about your remorse. What preamp/amp did you get?

Personally and in my system, the Revelations and the PowerLink MM PCs are very close. Maybe if I had a few more Revelation PCs, the difference would be more noticeable. But in ICs and SCs, except for base, both the Masters and the Revelations are better than the Transparent Reference (current MM technology).

I was outbid this past week on a Revelation Signature PC. I would have liked to have heard what it could do in my system.


Perhaps a bit off topic, but a thread on AA appeared recently where another cable manufacturer had this to say about VD power cords:

"Some may be aware of this, but Virtual Dynamics uses magnets soldered in series with the conductors on their products, calling this "Speed of Light" technology.

Not wanting to look like some jerk manufacturer bashing his competitor, I've not brought it up before- but from the urging of one of the chatters here, I figured I'd bring it up.

This seems to me to be an dangerous practice when used with power cords.... "

Further down in the thread this was posted:

"My concerns stem from a couple issues:

The magnets will be subject to EM forces which may damage their insulation or the solder joints through the motion of the magnets.

The solder joint to the magnet is a dubious proposition- I'd be inclined to worry about those joints as a failure point.

There's a pretty high potential for these to heat up, making displacement of typical insulators somewhat easier.

The irritation and potential damages (imagine if one got too close to your phono cart) of the cable being drawn towards racks, chassis, etc, is a less major issue.

Just some of the issues, no doubt there are others. And I agree, many other cords are unsafe as well- I just find these to be particularly disconcerting."

The thread can be found here:

I would like to know what VD users think about this. Let me add that I own 2 VD power cords (Nite II and Master) and am very pleased with them. No issues in my system. The reason I am posting this is to get a better understanding of this comment and the use of the magents from a technical perspective. I have no intention of replacing the VD cables. I just want to try and understand this better.

Thanks in advance.
If you REALLY want to understand, call Rick at VD. He is the best source to answer your questions. Comments by others, whether well-intentioned or not, will only be misleading. The AA poster above would have found out the answers to his issues had he made a call, or even read the VD website, instead of "enlightening" others with his lack of understanding.
I have spoken to Rick about it in the past, but quite frankly was looking for more of a laymans interpretation.