Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?

If I have a High quality Power Conditoner - do I still need my expensive Power Cords?

Thinking of selling them, and buying quality budget ones with sheilding and decent connectors...
Thanks Tplavas
Could you please share with us - your top 3 most neutral PCs discovered?
I use all Shunyata Research for my power requirements in my system and could not be happier with the end results...8*)... I would suggest that if anyone has issues or requirements with pc's or plc's for (any particular piece of equipment) that they may own, that, you give said manufacturer a call and ask them their thougts on power issues. After all, they should know what works best with what they build... Happy New Year...
Aolmrdl -

"give said manufacturer a call and ask them their thougts on power issues. After all, they should know what works best with what they build..."

And when the manufacturer says it won't make a difference such as Pass Labs and Bryston, we should immediately say they're imbeciles, don't have either ears or equipment suitable of adequate resolution, and smugly saunter off knowing that they're fools. Or not?
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