Long distance from amp to speakers

My situation (i.e., my wife's strong wishes) requires me to have my amp, preamp, etc. about 30-35 feet from my speakers.
I know this is NOT recommended, but I have to live with it.
I have recently upgraded the amp and preamp (Ayre K5xe and V5xe)and thought I should try to do something about the speaker cables. I've been using Monster cord (nothing special)runninng to Vandersteen 2ce's bi-wired.
I would be grateful for any suggestions to minimize the sound degradation because of the long distance to the speakers. What speaker cable should I look into that won't break the bank?
Thank you.
If your system is on the first floor and you have a basement under it, you can mount the amp on a platform in the basement just under the speakers any run a short run of speaker wire to the speaker through a small hole in the floor or baseboard. You would run a long interconnect cable from the pre-amp to amp.

I've never used this setup myself, but I've seen it mentioned here a few times.


Sorry for saying so,but why would I need my wife to tell me,where to place my amps?Forget that, I wouldn't put my amps or arrange my system in sush away that it would degrade the sonics that I paid so much to achieve,just because she wants it.And then start looking for solutions to fix or correct,something that can be avoided all together.
Many thanks for the advice. I don't know the damping factor of the amp, but I'm now thinking seriously of the "basement option." The speaker wires are already running along the basement wall just below the living-room floor and come up through small holes in the floor. So I'm going to see about getting very long interconnects from the preamp. It sounds like a workable solution.
I'm grateful for the help all around.
I am with George. Reposition the wife (preferably in another country) not the amps.
Several thoughts.....first, no one should give you advice about your marraige...that is inappropriate. If you had asked for help in deciding between your wife and your amps, that's a different story. I have tried several solutions for long runs and came up with this- long run of Belden LC-1 shielded interconnect from Blue Jeans cable + short run of Spelz anti-cable speaker cables. Second best- any short excellent interconnect of your choice + long run of Canare 4S11 twisted wire speaker cable. I have done both in two separate systems and have found that the configuration depends on your components. You will have to experiment, but it will not be that expensive (yet!). Good luck!