What's better than Oritek X-2

I have the X-2 and have tried other cables hoping to improve my systems performance and have yet to be successful.
I have tried Acoustic Zen Matrix II and the big bad Nordost Heimdals. The Nordost were faster and more detailed but, nowhere near as musical. I have also tried SuperConductor II and some cryo-silver cables. I don't like silver much. Any suggestions. I would like more speed and detail and air without losing the musicality of my system. Cary sli-80 f1, Cary 306 SACD, AZ Adagio's, speaker cable is in wall transparent, so I am stuck with that.
I wish I could agree with the above respondents, but I really think that I'm the one who should do the listening for you, prior to you deciding which cables to buy. Sound good?

Jokes aside, take this for what its worth:
- Want speed & detail? IMO, that means more silver, not less
- I've heard the X-1 (very good), but not the X-2 (better, I'm sure)
- I tried the Transparent in-wall speaker cables...made my music sound slow & blurry.
- What type of PC are you using on the Cary?
- What type of 6922/6SN7 are you using? Makes a big difference.

Alternatively, you could contact The Cable Company & try their loaner program. In the end, however, I think that being stuck with your current speaker cables is going to hamper your efforts. YMMV, IMHO, JPAITIGOTLFTVIMH (don't even try...)

Best of luck!
Check with Robert at Ridge Street Audio and see if his new Alethiuos cable is ready!!!!
In our listening, the X-2 was beat handily by the Virtual Dynamics Revelation version 1.0. The X-2 ranked second and beat out a bunch of other well known interconnects. Interestingly, the Speltz scored within 85 to 90% of the X-2. Both the Speltz and the X-2 were much, much better than the X-1.