Kind of a dumb question...

If you own two pairs of ICs that are not of the same quality, is there a rule of thumb as to which one should be used between the source (CD player) and preamp versus between the preamp and amp? I know someone out there is going to tell me to experiment and come to my own conclusion, and I'll do that. But I'm curious to know if there's a general rule of thumb.
In two of my three systems the better sound is achieved between my amp and preamp. I do believe at times itÂ’s a system dependent thing.
Second Myraj, the better cable from the CD to Pre, the earlier in the chain, the more significant the impact. You could, of course, listen for yourself. Good Luck!
What about a third possibility?

No preference because no difference noticed.
The rule of thumb is that there is no rule of thumb. You have to experiment and see which way you like it best, not me or anyone else!!!!
With passive preamp there is a general rule that lower capacity (often shorter and better) cable between preamp and amp works better.
With active You can experiment and find out which combination You like most.
But don`t expect a "HUGE" difference from a cable. A decent cable is all You need.