Best cables

Have Spendor S-100 speakers, Mccormack UDP-1 Deluxe, CJ ActII and MF250A. ? best speaker cables and interconnects to complement CJ sound -- pricey stuff versus cost effective alternatives?
I'm curious how you will decide which of the many different answers posted will be correct for you given the inevitable situation that not a single person has your exact system components and room acoustics.

Just wondering out loud.
For ICs, I just got a pair of the Mac (Myaudiocables) Palladium and its by far the best IC I've heard. Beat my APL Silvers and Luminous Audio Sychestra Reference, which I happen to think are good cables. I use all tube equipment, by the way. Speaker cables I recommend Luminous Audio Synchestra Signatures. They are the best I've had so far and not too unreasonably priced. Beat the Cardas Cross I had before that. Just my experience in my system, room, tastes, etc.
Try Virtual dynamics. They brought out the best in my system. I have tried lots of cables and Virtual Dynamics were the first cables that the sound improved. Bigger soundstage, bigger dynamics, and clarity. I started with the VD Master's about a month ago and plan on changing all cables. They have a variety of different priced cables to suit your situation