Why do crossovers do more harm than good???

Think I got down why unless it's an expensive parametric EQ that basic tone controls or none at all are better than graphic EQ but was thinking that if bi-amping latterally is supposed to be better than not bi-amping why don't more manufacturers make active crossovers and let's incorporate them into their pre-amps?As opposed to letting both amps handle full frequency spectrum?I have a set of bi-amp/biwire Gallos and was thinking of adding a sub.Why would a unit like a Bryston or other manufaturer improve the sonics more signal path and wirring nonwithstanding?If I did want to explore this option any other good manfacturers to consider?
You may wish to read about active crossovers at www.crossovers.com. They have a great explanation about the benefits. It's my understanding that active crossovers need to be designed for a specific speaker and, as such, are better suited to either be in a stand alone box, inside the amplifiers or with amplifiers inside the speaker cabinet. I certainly wish I knew more. Good luck and...
Happy Listening,
Didn't notice there was a simmilar thread posted just recently.Guess my differentiation with others is that my Gallo Ref's have a capacitor hooked between bi-wire posts as opposed to crossovers per say.Then I have leads hooked to lower "baseballs" but again according to manaual no crossover is present or needed.Maybe a call to Gallo is in order.
In my experience, most electronic crossovers add grain and distortion to the mids and highs. If your satelites have their own low frequency protection or can play at reasonably
high sound levels, then you should only use the crossover on the sub for best fidelity.
Chazzbo, check out Linn - the 'aktiv' crossovers get tucked neatly into the amplifiers.