Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

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Just to add my 2 cents to this great thread. As with what many have said here :
( each persons system & rooms are very different)
& don't forget we all hear & demand different sound perameters for our systems.
With that being said I have gone through the cable bergade of testing , trying, & buying many a cable. Mixing & using all the same cable too.
I have in the last 4 years tried all the so called heavy wieghts Purist, Stealth, KS, Nordost, Ect. Ect. You get my point.
With out a doubt Virtul Dynamics are best cables to make my system perform the way it should. I will save all the nuances for a later review of VD cables.
They have done more for my system than any cable, ever.
So much so, that I have installed all Virtual Dynamics cables.
VD has a customer for life .
Rick & his staff are second to none. The custome service is outstanding . They take the time to help & answer all of your questions. They go above & beyond any cable company that I have ever delt with to make sure you are satisfied .
Try for yourself, you will not be diappointed.
I don't have any connection with VD, other than I'm one very happy customer.
How true...for testing...unfortunately, there is no quick fix to any of this testing unless you buy BOSE...

Boy...with all the reviews on VD cables, it sounds really like an end all cable....

I have to call these guys...
Teck5 - VD was just having a sale on demo stock. Today was the last day but if you call them soon maybe they still have some pieces left over. I picked up a pair of Master ICs for a great price and wish I had acted sooner on some of the other cables they had available.

I have also purchased a set of Master speaker cables that were being traded in by a customer who is upgrading. At regular prices these cables are way over my budget, but having already owned two VD power cords (bought used) and a set of speaker jumpers, I jumped at the chance to get more at these prices. They are excellent cables, as are many others referenced in this thread. Well worth checking out, if you don't like them they are easily resold at little or no loss.
Hi Clio09,

Thanks for the heads up....Boy the deals they are giving is great...Customer service is great and managed to get a pair of Revelations for my Source and Pre-amp...

Now I really have to make some choices on my CD source..

Hopefully this will work out in my system....
Hello Teck,

It looks like your system is in need of some attention at the source. Before you spend a fortune on ICs and PCs, you should try to improve the front end first otherwise I do not think you will ever be able to benefit much with any cable you purchase.

Hopefully you can borrow some cables and compare to what you currently own before you commit to the temptations of cables on "clearance". Here at A'gon, there are always great cable deals. Buying new cables brings on no benefit compared to used ones at much reduced prices.

I don't buy into the issue of "system synergy"; it all comes down to our own priorities. The tradeoff for me is to find that balance between detail and 3-dimensionality. But if tonal coherency is a mess, dynamics are compressed or the presentation is distant and flat, it's impossible to go any further with the cable evaluation.

I think we all have been guilty one time or another to go with a cable that corrects for flaws elsewhere in our system. Throwing in cables to "warm up" the sound just makes no sense. And we can get carried away with buying the higher cost cables because they get a lot of praise. It's easy to get trapped into buying such cables when so often our system is not able to take advantage of such refinements.

There have been so many claims about power cables here but it was only the last couple years where these started to make a big difference in my system. A power line conditioner (PLC) brought on such a huge improvement to my system's resolution that only then power cables made worthy contributions. And this was with top-notch gear from ARC, BAT, Wolcott, Aesthetix and CAT with Magnepan and Talon speakers. Much of this gear's capability was masked until the PLC was added. And then power and speaker cable differences became far more evident.

ICs and phono cables have always made differences for me. The link from line stage to amp has been the most critical. I currently use a 10m Purist Dominus between the line stage and amps. Long ICs are tough to find and can be very costly. Of all the long ICs I have heard here, the NBS Statement, Kubala-Sosna Emotion, MIT 350 and EVO, the Dominus is the one I prefer. Between the phono and line stages, I have played with numerous XLR cables from NBS, Kubala-Sosna, Purist and Jade, and so far the Jade Gold is wonderful here. I hope to hear the XLR Stealth Indra here soon. For RCA cables between the DAC and line stage, I use the Stealth Indra. The Jade cables are quite nice here too but I prefer the Indra with how it renders the harmonic overtones and the top octave's clarity in my system.

Power cables can be kinda strange in how they react so differently with various components like I previously described the Dream. When I went to a VD dealer last year, I also was able to directly compare the top Revelation PC to the Dominus Ferox into my Manley DAC. With the VD, the presentation was very flat, decays much reduced, the body of the instruments also clipped off. A return to the Dominus and the performance was right back there. We tried the same experiment with the dealer's Wadia CD playback setup and here the VD edged out the Dominus in portrayal of upper frequency information. But the Wadia was not at all in the same league as the Manley in terms of the 3-dimensional presentation....and this is where the Dominus was miles ahead of the VD.
