Cardas Vs. Acoustic Zen

did anyone have a chance to audition the new Acoustic Zen double barrel speaker cables Vs. cards golden reference ?
I have had the impression that the CGR are too "warm", less open and somewhat bloated in the mid bass. the acoustic zen are very open , Airy, and tend to lack warmth.
your impressions are welcome
I've auditioned many acoustic zen versus cardas cables

cardas is too rolled off
AZ has excellent tonal qualities and still vibrant detail
Mamhoon, I would not say that the Acoustic Zen speaker wire lacks warmth, it does not, it just offers what your calling warmth(liquidity/musicality) with much better details,macrodynamics, and extension then the Cardas GR.

In my system I use Absolute speaker wire with great sonic results. I have found Cardas wires to be very euphonic when I have tried them and that the Acoustic Zen wires are very musical/organic and still offer details and dynamics.
Mamhoon, I am not sure what you call warmth in the cable.

AZ cables are dynamic and open sounding. They don't roll off the high frequencies.

What are you trying to accomplish with new speaker cables?

I'm using acoustic zen's Double Barrel. Having compared it against the CGR, I can say that the CGR doensn't stand a chance, being rolled-off at the top and less transparent at the midrange. The AZDB also gives much better bass weight and speed.

Other cables tried: Dnm/Reson, Harmonic Tech Pro-11 plus biwire, VDH Inspiration