I was a van den Hul dealer twenty years ago. Why would I know what their latest models look like, today? Intuition?
You seem to have a small problem with your reading comprehension skills, Btstrg. (For instance, I never sold these cables, or, said I did. From where did you get that?)
Unfortunately, since your response is so confused, and you made no attempt to clarify the issues, anyway (or, even check the van den Hul website, yourself, to try to understand), I don't see the point of trying to get you to understand what I said. Perhaps, I will get a response from someone who actually knows something, later.
You seem to have a small problem with your reading comprehension skills, Btstrg. (For instance, I never sold these cables, or, said I did. From where did you get that?)
Unfortunately, since your response is so confused, and you made no attempt to clarify the issues, anyway (or, even check the van den Hul website, yourself, to try to understand), I don't see the point of trying to get you to understand what I said. Perhaps, I will get a response from someone who actually knows something, later.