What percentage do you spend on each component?

I think I remember a similar thread here but I couldn't find it. Just curious to see how others have allocated funds toward their system. What percentage of your total system cost have you spent on each component (based on new prices).


Front End (CDP) 27%
Preamp 0% (None)
Amplification 40%
Speakers 24%
Cables 9%
speakers = amp + pre + cdp.
That's just how it worked out. I could've gone with a better CDP but whatever improvements there were, weren't worth the $1,700 it would have cost. ($500 maybe).
...and my figures and response would be exactly the same now as then:

"dunno what you'd wanna do with this kinda info but for your amusement,here goes-
(the same system with % based on a single source):

Vinyl-(primary source):
source(incl phono stage)-40%

CD-(secondary source):
22% - Front End (CD/TT)
05% - Preamp
05% - Power Amp
18% - Speakers
34% - Cables (speaker, IC, power)
06% - Power Conditioning
10% - Rack/Shelves

Pretty odd eh? I downsized my setup some time ago (amp & DAC), but did not sell any of the cabling. Calculations are done on the actual cost of goods (not retail prices) and they are based only on the gear that we currently "use" in the living room system (not on everything listed in my system).

Is everyone basing their %'s on actual cost? Might be interesting to see them based on MSRP as well.
Based on price paid, here is what I have spent (percentagewise) on my 5 channel home theater:

Speakers 53.82%
Amps 7.14%
Speaker Cables 0.51%
Interconnects 1.62%
Processors 3.33%
A/V Sources 15.32%
Video (TV/Projector) 14.76%
Screens 1.43%
Power 2.06%

I didn't add in the really cheap interconnects, nor even the mid priced ones, as I don't remember which ones I am using and how much I paid, since I have a HUGE amount of interconnects.

I am heavy on the speakers, but it will probably stay heavy there unless I sell my IRSes, which isn't going to happen.
