Affordable Power Cords

Looking to replace the stock power cord on my Jolida 502A tube integrated amp and am considering purchasing Signal Cable's MagicPower power cord. But before I do so, I was wondering if other have had experience with this power cord and what their thoughts are about it? Also, would appreciate some suggestions on other affordable power cords ($50 - $100 range).

Here you go(Bob Crump's power cord):

Do a search on's a very good cord. Used cryo'd cable & terminations for an additional step up. Easy to make & inexpensive.

Appreciate everyone suggestions. Looks like I'll go with either the:

1. Element
2. Audio One Reference
3. Shunyata Vemon

Also, I think I'll upgrade the wall receptacle that the amp plugs into. My brother-in-law is a licensed journeyman electrician, so I believe an invite to dinner should get that work done.

Once again, thanks.
Appreciate everyone suggestions. Looks like I'll go with either the:

1. Element
2. Audio One Reference
3. Shunyata Vemon
4. Ultimate Silver Series

Also, I think I'll upgrade the wall receptacle that the amp plugs into. My brother-in-law is a licensed journeyman electrician, so I believe an invite to dinner should get that work done.

Once again, thanks.
I don't claim to have a lot of experience with power cords, but i thought i would mention that synergistic research ac master couplers work very good in my system. They just seem to get out of the way and let the music flow. They may be a bit above your limit but not outrageously so.