Affordable Power Cords

Looking to replace the stock power cord on my Jolida 502A tube integrated amp and am considering purchasing Signal Cable's MagicPower power cord. But before I do so, I was wondering if other have had experience with this power cord and what their thoughts are about it? Also, would appreciate some suggestions on other affordable power cords ($50 - $100 range).

Well, got the "fuse holder" from Jolida, and of course, it wasn't the same as the old one (actually it was better with a metal screw top), so figured I would see how much it would cost get it put in. Quote was $75 a hour for labor. Which is way to much for just replacing a fuse holder. But at the same time I figured since my amp is 10 years old it might be a good time to upgrade/replace the caps and resistors, since the tech would be "under the hood", anyway. Well $231 and a week later, the amp is back in the system along with Virtual Dynamic Power 3 cord. Listened to some music last night, and what I heard was pretty much what I said earlier but with the amp itself sounding much better (surprising what a "tune up" will do).

I think my system is getting to sound as good as it's going to get (which is quite good to my ears, and I'm looking forward to hearing what it'll sound like after everything gets "burned in"), to get better (and not just different) I would probably have to invest into a higher level of components/speakers.
Thanks guys for the feed back.
Next ten to post on this thread can get a Power Three for Christmas, sounds like fun I think. Shipping included this time. Christmas spirit I guess!!!!!!!!
Ah make it twenty... post first and only one per customer. If you like it tell others, if you don't tell that as well just be honest, that will make it more fun for everyone.
I will watch the thread and send to the next twenty posts asking to try it, one catch only available to Audiogon members who have pervious thread postings or sales (history) on Audiogon.
Well, Cleaneduphippy. I'm glad to see that you have your system up and running. Let us know how the cord sounds after a few weeks of break in. Happy Holidays.
I'm always interested in a little experimentation and would be interested in trying one.
I just ordered two Power 3s last night. Will you send me a free one with my order ... pleeeeease. :)