Affordable Power Cords

Looking to replace the stock power cord on my Jolida 502A tube integrated amp and am considering purchasing Signal Cable's MagicPower power cord. But before I do so, I was wondering if other have had experience with this power cord and what their thoughts are about it? Also, would appreciate some suggestions on other affordable power cords ($50 - $100 range).

I would like to try one of your power cords.
My system:
ML37-GDL-THETA Gen Va - Plinius /CD-Lad + 102/
Hey Rick , I'm sure I speak for all of us lucky enough to have been included in your pc give-a-way..
THANK YOU ...greatly appreciated.....Have a safe and happy holiday.
A day late and a dollar short. I was talking to a VD sales rep yesterday. If I knew about this thread I could have gotten a free cord! Oh well. I'm considering replacing my Zu Birth PC's with the VD Davids.
I know it may be too late but would like to get in on your Holiday spirit give-a-way. If happy with result I would defintley be interested in 4 more pair.

To Rick and everybody else at Virtual Dynamics,

A sincere THANK YOU for your kindness, generosity and holiday spirit!
